The February ADP® National Employment Report™, developed by ADP Research in collaboration with the Stanford Digital Economy Lab, revealed that private sector employment grew by 77,000 jobs last month, while annual wages increased by 4.7% compared to the previous year.
The data highlights slower job growth and suggests a cautious hiring environment, likely influenced by economic uncertainty and shifting consumer spending patterns.
The ADP National Employment Report provides an independent, high-frequency snapshot of the U.S. private-sector labor market, utilizing anonymized payroll data from over 25 million employees. The report offers:
Since ADP’s payroll databases are continuously updated, the data provides near real-time employment measurements, offering valuable insights into the current labor market landscape.
As of January 2025, ADP’s Pay Insights measure tracks nearly 14.8 million individual pay changes each month, an increase from approximately 10 million at its inception. The latest figures indicate:
The data suggests that businesses are exercising caution in hiring, potentially in response to broader economic uncertainties and evolving consumer spending behaviors.
The slowdown in private-sector job growth reflects a more measured approach to hiring, with businesses assessing economic conditions and demand trends. While wage growth remains robust, the pace of job additions suggests potential headwinds in the labor market.
As the Federal Reserve monitors inflation and employment data, the trajectory of hiring trends and wage growth will be key indicators of the overall economic outlook in the coming months.
Source: ADP, Stanford Digital Economy Lab
Indeks Dolar memperpanjang penurunannya selama lima sesi berturut-turut, mencapai 103,7, level terendah dalam empat bulan terakhir, karena ketidakpastian tarif dan kekhawatiran ekonomi membebani sentimen. Para trader saat ini berfokus pada laporan pekerjaan yang akan datang untuk mendapatkan wawasan tentang pasar tenaga kerja.
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