افتتاح حساب

USA Daylight Saving Time (03.09.2025)

We would like to notify you about upcoming changes to trading conditions for specific instruments due to the transition to Daylight Saving Time (DST) in the United States, which will take place on March 9, 2025.

If you are using an Expert Advisor (EA) or an automated trading system that requires manual adjustments to trading hours, we strongly recommend updating your settings before March 9, 2025, to prevent any disruptions in trading activities.

For further details, please review the table below:

SYMBOLCurrent Hours GMT+2New Hours 9th March GMT +3
DE40RollMon-Thu 01:00-23:59
Fri 01:00-23:12
Mon-Thu 01:00-23:59
Fri 01:00-23:57
UK100RollMon-Thu 01:00-23:59
Fri 01:00-23:12
Mon-Thu 01:00-23:59
Fri 01:00-23:57
UK EquitiesMon-Fri 10:02-14:00,
Mon-Fri 11:02-15:00, 15:03-19:30


عضو جامعه ما شوید!

به کانال تلگرام ما بپیوندید و برای دریافت خبرنامه سیگنال های معاملاتی ما به صورت رایگان عضو شوید!

به کانال تلگرام ما بپیوندید!